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Formula Ford 1600 Brands Hatch 1986 - Rick Shortle
Formula Ford 1600 Brands Hatch - Rick Shortle 1986
Rick Shortle FF1600 Champion Of Brands 1986
Rick Shortle FF1600 Brands Hatch 1986
Champion of Brands FF1600 1986 - Rick Shortle
Champion of Brands Hatch - Formula Ford 1600 - Winner Rick Shortle
Champion Of Brands FF1600 1984 Rick Shortle
Champion Of Brands FF1600 Brands Hatch 1986
Champion of Brands FF1600 1986
Rick Shortle Racing FF1600 Brands Hatch 1989
Formula Ford Festival 1985 Rick Shortle & Damon Hill
Formula Ford FF2000 Race Brands Hatch 1985 - Rick Shortle Reynard #3